Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nicolas 'Sparth' Bouvier

As games and technology has advanced, the demand for artists has also increased needing their vision to create new worlds. Sparth is an art director and concept designer in the gaming industry having worked on projects such as Prince of Persia and Assassin’s Creed.

There is something quite special in the way Sparth creates his images, maximising composition techniques and implicit details to envision new worlds from the depths of our imagination.

Assassin's Creed - Jerusalem
From the imposing structure to the looming clouds, a sense of atmosphere and drama is wrought into the image for a convincing, breathing world.

Lapsang Area
Here Sparth presents a sci-fi world maximising key focal points such as the central building, with integral contrasts of warm and cold colours grasping attention and central framing of composition. The attention to detail from road signs, lights and cevhiles help communicate the idea of a believeable world.

Le Monde Enfin (Bookcover)
The use of light and colour is particularly captivating drawing focus to the distant building with the contrast of cold and warm colours. A sense of awe is created by the magnificent scale of strctures as reinforced with the lone indiviudal for comparision.

Having read many novels and played games in my childhood, the thought of creating a new world has always appealed to me as an exciting process. Thus, I am eager to create a world reflective of Brothers Grimms' tales in my own unique way.

Designing captivating environments will be an essential part of this project in communicating a convincing world reflective of Grimms’ fairytales to an audience. I intend to approach this from a range of different angles and interpretations that will best reflect my chosen theme in a visually unique way.

Gnomonworkshop interview
Bouvier, Nicolas. (2005). Structura: The Art of Sparth. California. Design Studio Press.