Monday, March 16, 2009

Week Evaluation #3

This week has been an absolute mess. Sorting out UCAS forms and making my final decision on university courses has been very stressful, taking up a lot of time and putting me in a discouraged position when working. Thus, I am disheartened to find I am behind by my own standards once more. I still have some bits to wrap up in my research, but really I need to get drawing working out initial ideas and developing them. Perhaps it seems I have done too much research as noticed by colleagues, by this should pay its benefits keeping me well informed when developing my ideas.

Additionally, this Wednesday a group of friends and made a trip to London for an open day, afterwards going to a few shops for tools and equipment such as the London Graphics Centre. We also tried to visit The Cartoon Museum where I thought the style of drawings may provide some inspiration in envisioning a tale of Grimms’ works in a unique way. Unfortunately, the museum was closed for a private viewing so we couldn’t even step through the front door.

Overall, it has been a tough week but it should be over now. Either way, its time to take things a step up a gear and begin envisioning a Brothers’ Grimm tale in earnest.