Saturday, August 15, 2009


Just posted some updates to tidy things up here. Looks like I will be starting a new blog for my new course in CG Arts and Animation. You can find it at


Monday, May 18, 2009


Its over! Exhibition time.

My display at the exhibition. I also had a mac set up running each video of all the pieces made.

Final Pieces (wasn't enough room for them all)

I am greatly pleased with the project feeling that I have achieved what I aspired to do, producing a range of characters and environments that culminate to providing a unique vision of a Brothers’ Grimm tale in my own unique visual way.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Environment Concepts

With characters established, I wanted to create some environments where they would breathe in.

This piece captures a scene with Sister and Brother in deer form amidst the forest. The characters demonstrate a connection with each other with a rope leash providing a storytelling element to the piece.

This city concept captures a peaceful setting as the King gazes out over his Kingdom.

Some other environment concept sketches

Soldier Huntsmen concepts

The King, along with his huntsmen, initially hunt the deer form of the character 'Brother' before discovering Sister and the truth of events. I explored a range of concepts for the King's huntsmen but unfortunately ran out of time to fully realise and final design.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Daughter character concept

Daughter character concept

As the Stepmother's only daughter, she shares her wickedness and selfish desires. Described as 'ugly as night' with only one eye, I opted for a skinny bony posture with a rather prominent eye piece. With a hooded cloak, I imagine she would place the hood up to hide her face. Similarities in hair and clothing hair once more help establish a connection with the Stepmother.


Stepmother character concept

Stepmother character concept

The Stepmother stands as the champion of evil in this Brothers' Grimm tale, using her tyranny to inflict misery on the two characters Brother and Sister, and vile magic transforming Brother into a deer. Using of purples and fine details help symbolise her sense of power and wealth in contrast to that of Brother and Sister.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Queen character concept

Queen character concept

Similarly to her brother, the character 'Sister' also undergoes a transformation becoming a Queen in her triumph against the wicked Stepmother. Thus, her clothes reflect that of the King while sporting a more mature and refined look from her former self.
